Friday, October 15, 2010

LOA Project Scope Statement: Part I

Good morning munchkins! I have printed you each a detailed itinerary for our first day together! Check out the formatting-no more boring Arial 10 pt font for me-that is so corporate and this CEO Mommi is really much more Lucida Handwriting instead. Let’s all review to make sure we are all on the same page; not that I necessarily need you to sign off (we aren’t THAT formal) but if you could just nod your heads and we can start the day!

7-7:30am: Wake up and snuggle

7:30-8:00am: Munchkins play while Mommi makes breakfast

8-8:30am: Eat breakfast

9-10am: Visit library and pick our theme for the week!

10-10:30-Healthy snack

10:30-11:30am-Walk to playground

12-12:45pm: Lunchtime

12:45-2:45pm: NAPTIME

3-3:30pm: Snack

3:30-4:30pm: Read library books and discuss theme of week

4:30-5:30pm: Play outside

5:30pm: Greet Daddy with hugs!

Sounds great Mommi! We are so happy that you are staying home with us!

So first day may have gotten a bit off scope…few timeline setbacks: may have inadvertently missed the time for the double diaper duty and employee negotiations ie Peanut meltdown 1 (“Mommy, I wanted to turn on the light!!!”), Peanut meltdown number 2 (ME PUT MY SOCKS ON!!), BB meltdown 1 after finding him with Shelby’s water dish on his head, subsequent bath, Peanut’s bath after meltdown 3 (“Why does he get to play in the water if me doesn’t??”). This leaves me at 11:00am (still in my pajamas), with Peanut squealing “Elmo isn’t nigh night Mommy. He is up! SHOW SHOW!” With a rebuffed itinerary discussion, zero sign offs, no shower, and exhaustion setting in before noon-I have made the executive decision that this week’s theme is going to be survival-screw the library.

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